The following contains a few simple ideas on how you can help Gibson Austwide ensure that your freight is delivered in-full and on-time every time. Should you require any further information please do not hesitate to contact your local Gibson Austwide depot?
How to calculate cubic conversion to kilos? Measure the height, length and width of an item. E.g. If a carton is 0.75 long x 0.35 wide x 0.48 high, its cubic dimensions is 0.75 x 0.35 x 0.48 = 0.13
How do I calculate cubic conversion to kilos? A chargeable kilogram is the unit by which the freight will be charged. The greater of either actual kilograms or the cubic kilograms. E.g. the above example the total cubic is 0.13. If we multiply 0.13 by 333 (the cubic factor) the resultant cubic weight is 41.96kg. So if the parcels actual weight was less than 41.96kg its chargeable kilograms will be 41.96kg. |